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Procrastination, the arch-nemesis of productivity.  We all know the feeling of putting off a task until the last minute, we tell ourselves we’ll do it later, but later never comes, and we end up feeling guilty, stressed, and overwhelmed when we finally do do the task, we can’t even feel accomplished as guilt or even shame lingers.

There are various situations, mental states, and unhelpful habits that can cause us to procrastinate. Fortunately regardless of the cause, there is a method that can help you leave stalling and indecision behind for good.

Today, I invite you to join me on a journey to conquer procrastination through the magic of micro-goals.

 The Procrastination Dilemma:

We’ve all been there – staring at a looming task, promising ourselves to start tomorrow, only to repeat the cycle. Procrastination is a strong adversary, especially if you have ADHD or any condition that will ponder executive function, but the solution lies in the power of small, consistent steps. Yes I know, it seems too easy to be true.

If you are interested in improving productivity I am sure you have already heard of James Clear and his book, Atomic Habits, if not do yourself a huge favour and read it. 

This step-by-step is here to help you find the micro-goal you will be able to attain, and kill procrastination one tiny step at a time:

  1. Break It Down:

Procrastination often stems from feeling overwhelmed by the sheer size of a task – if overwhelm is a concern for you in your career, I highly recommend you read this blogpost- so break it down into bite-sized, manageable pieces. Instead of focusing on how to complete the entire project, see the larger themes, then go a layer below then even smaller until you almost find the task too easy.

 2. Start Small:

  This is important, as the first step is always the hardest, try this: Set a 5 minute timer and start to break the project- whatever it may be- down into the most obvious parts you can think of. Only 5 minutes, but if that seems too much make it 3 or 1, just start, then if you gathered any momentum, set the timer again. Allow yourself to stop it if it feels right, as you already made the first step. You rock. 

 3. Establish a Routine:

   Consistency is key- I know you never heard this before, but as much as it pains me to say it is true. Create a routine that involves tackling micro-goals at specific times. This trains your brain to associate those moments with productivity, making it a habit. Making your procrastinating brain understand that you rock.

 4. Set Specific Goals:

   Vague goals invite procrastination back in the picture, so when you set the goal make it painfully specific, you can always add if you feel like it. Be crystal clear about what needs to be accomplished in each micro-goal so when it is done, you won’t feel like something is still lingering. When it is done it is done AND it feels like it.

 5. Prioritize and Conquer:

  This is kind-of level 2 but try and see if it is working already: identify the most important (or easiest) tiny goals and put them on top of your list. Tackling high-priority (or even the easiest) tasks first will flood your brain with a sense of accomplishment and it will fuel your motivation.

6. Pat your own back when a task is done:

   When you are used to internally beating yourself-up for procrastinating you might hear a little voice in your head that says this was just a baby step and there is nothing to be proud of here. I need you to thank that voice for voicing its concerns and then ignore it completely. You see, what these little voices omit to take into account is the power of a thousand papercuts when it comes to procrastination. So please say a word of encouragement to yourself after each tiny goal is done. I don’t know if you understand this yet, but you rock.

 Realizing Macro Success Through Micro-Goals:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Small improvements accumulate into remarkable results over time.” James Clear

What the tiny, easily attainable goals add up to, is not just the task at hand completed, they will rebuild your relation to your todo list by:

 1.Building Confidence:

   Micro-goals are confidence boosters. Achieving them provides a sense of accomplishment, gradually eroding the fear of failure, lack of motivation even a lack of self-discipline.

 2.Maintaining Focus:

   Small goals keep your attention focused. With a clear, defined task, distractions are easier to sideline, ensuring you stay on course, as you will feel confident you can do them, even self-doubt will dissipate. 

 3.Creating Momentum:

   Micro-goals set a positive feedback loop in motion. Each accomplishment gives a push to slide you forward, slowly but surely creating an unstoppable momentum toward macro success.

In Conclusion:

In the battle against procrastination, slowing down and taking one tiny step at a time while you acknowledge your progress forms a potent weapon.

So, dear reader, break down those daunting tasks, start small, and watch as the micro-revolution pushes you toward unparalleled success. The power to overcome procrastination lies within these tiny, achievable goals – embrace them, and let the journey to macro success unfold.

If you are interested in more on how setting goals can help with moving you forward, follow us here and on all social platforms!